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Welcome to my! You are welcome to search and find a church in your area. Search no more.. You'll find more than 70,000 Churches in our US churhces directory. Any christian church such as catholic churches, baptist churches, lutheran churches and more.. So locate and go to your church.

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Churches in USA

Religion in USA

Despite it not being obvious to everyone else at large, religion is truly a big piece of the American culture. In fact, a survey done by Pew Global Attitudes Project in 2002 revealed that the USA is actually among the most devout of all developed countries.

Different religious beliefs or communities of faith have become widespread throughout the years because of the presence of various nationalities. However, though there is an amalgamation of races in the United States, figures state that 80% of the country is united under Christianity.

Such a big number of the populace could only be equivalent to a large number of churches existing in the country. Actually, the largest groups of Christian denomination (Baptists, Methodists and Roman Catholics) have a combined number of more than 100,000 churches across the United States! Just imagine how many more there are - taking into consideration the hundreds of different Protestant communities.

How can ChurchRadar help YOU?

That is where ChurchRadar can help you. Churchradar is a church index homepage with a listing comprised of an overwhelming 70,000 church locations. It does not focus on one religion alone but on Christian churches as a whole which enables any Roman Catholic, Lutheran, Methodist, Baptist, etcetera, to find help within its pages.

The website divides all listed churches into their respective states and provides their contact addresses and important details. Moreover, Churchradar even provides maps of the churches’ exact locations for your convenience.

In fact, finding a church for one’s denomination amidst all existing churches is nothing short of a challenge for an ordinary person. This is perhaps one of the reasons why amongst the 80% Christians in the United States, only 21% or so actually attends services at least once a week. But would not the ignorance of a church’s location near you be such a pathetic excuse for not being included in the pitiful 21% figure? Even being new to a town or community should not be a valid reason. Churchradar provides a way of overcoming this obstacle.

Never miss a Sunday’s service again because you are out visiting a cousin at the other side of the country. Whether you are in Minnesota or in Florida, just give Churchradar a visit and you will surely find a church where you can worship, reflect, and give gratitude to where it is due.